Always seeking guidance from God, we plan to explore for oil in the Dead Sea area of Israel.  After discovery of oil in commercial quantities, we will develop the field in the most efficient manner.  The end result of this venture is to bring wealth to our stock holders and the State of Israel.


We feel led by God to undertake this venture.  Stan Johnson, the CEO, had done extensive study of the bible to determine the general location of this oil field.  His VISION STUDY is part of this business plan and is presented as Attachment No. 1.  This company is being formed to gather mineral rights, evaluate all existing control date in the area (geologic information, seismic and old well information), determine an exact drill site, drill an exploratory well, discover oil in commercial quantities and develop an oil field in the Dead Sea area of Israel.  The first exploratory well will be drilled to depths that have never been explored to this date in this area.   After the success of the exploratory well, evaluations will be made as to development of the field.  We will then develop the oil field in such a manner that will most efficiently extract the petroleum products discovered.


We have formed a US corporation in Nevada and we have begun forming a Board of Directors.  See Attachment No. 2 for a list of the initial board members and a short bio on each.  Mr. Johnson had traveled across the United States presenting his vision to numerous interested groups.  We are now soliciting investors.  Initially we are offering a private stock placement to raise $250,000.  This initial seed money will be used to get things started.   Attachment No. 3 is a stock prospectus for this first offering.  We ultimately plan to raise $50,000,000 through stock purchases.  The company will be going public in order to raise the $50,000,000.

While the funds are being raised, we will be looking at securing mineral rights from the government of Israel and studying the geological, geophysical and well data.  Personal will be brought on board who are experienced oil field geologist, geophysics and petroleum engineers as well as experts in Israel oil law and governmental logistics.  Attachment No. 4 is a flow chart showing the initial structure of the company.

Obviously, in the short term, we will be looking for an exact drill site and securing the necessary drilling equipment to drill to a depth never before reached in this area.  We fully expect to be successful in discovering oil in massive quantities, as we feel that God had given Mr. Johnson the guidance needed for success.

Long term, we plan to develop the oil field.  There are oil pipelines in the general area so the transfer of oil to a buyer will be an easy transition.  Depending on the geology and the final depth we will be drilling, it could take many years to fully develop this field.  However, every well drilled and able to produce will be tied into the pipeline and the oil sold as soon as possible.

Attachment No.5 is an explanation of petroleum law in Israel.  Attachment No. 6 is a historical examination of oil exploration in Israel. 

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